Link to article: SCP-2083.
[[>]] [[module Rate]] [[/>]] **Item #:** SCP-2083 **Object Class:** Safe **Special Containment Procedures:** The warehouse containing SCP-2083 has been designated as a secure zone, with a Foundation research station permanently stationed outside of it. All access to SCP-2083 is restricted, and any personnel surviving exposure to SCP-2083 will be severely reprimanded. Once per month, a used sneaker is to be thrown into SCP-2083, and the results recorded by on-site personnel. **Description:** SCP-2083 is a small warehouse located in Hoboken, New Jersey, USA. It appears to have originally been used to store furniture, and the reason for the anomaly inhabiting it is currently unknown. Approximately 2,000 human legs emerge from various points on the walls of SCP-2083. They vary in their apparent age and appearance, but all are biologically male legs, barefoot, with significant amounts of hair. ~2% of legs within SCP-2083 appear to have ingrown toenails, but other than this there are no significant health details apparent on any SCP-2083 leg. The legs within SCP-2083 are normally docile, unless a human subject wearing footwear comes into it. If this occurs, any legs near the subject will immediately attempt to draw them into SCP-2083, followed by every leg within range vigorously kicking the subject. It is possible to escape attacks by SCP-2083, as legs do not display any abnormal strength and have difficulty grasping subjects with their toes. If the subject expires, the legs will manipulate their footwear until it is being worn by one foot. Following this, the feet will appear to retreat into the walls of SCP-2083, although no corresponding leg will appear on the opposite side. The foot will orient sideways, and remain suspended there until the shoe is removed, at which point the leg will return to its former state. Other than this, SCP-2083 legs will display behaviors such as practicing kicks, kicking one another, and carefully rubbing their foot against the wall, in an apparent attempt to groom themselves. In addition, several times per week, local franchise locations for local shoe businesses will receive job applications for "models" with an address listed as SCP-2083. Included in the application will be photographs of an SCP-2083 instance, with shoes on. If no instance of SCP-2083 is wearing shoes, the manager of the location will receive frequent text messages, including: > SO SORRY SWEET SOLES SIXTEEN TIMES WE HAVE FAILED YOU PLEASE CALL BACK > MISS U > WE CAN BE BETTER WE ARE BEST MODELS PLEASE RETURN APPLICATION VERY HUNGRY FEED FAMILY LIVE BETTER > JUST DO IT **Addendum:** On 9/18/20██, an SMS text message was sent to Site Director DeLeon from a number known to be connected to SCP-2083. It contained a blurry picture of a warehouse similar to SCP-2083, only containing pairs of spherical, fleshy protrusions instead of legs. Message transcript: > THESE MAY BE YOURS / OR MAYBE WE KICK THEM [[footnoteblock]] [[div class="footer-wikiwalk-nav"]] [[=]] << [[[SCP-2082]]] | SCP-2083 | [[[SCP-2084]]] >> [[/=]] [[/div]] [[include :scp-wiki:component:license-box |author=Anonymous]] [[include :scp-wiki:component:license-box-end]]